Our unique design with a low entry step it is easy to get on and off which could be more handy for the older generation or when you just need to get on and off quickly! Quick access to the battery case provides for a smooth battery change. Lean design makes it easy to store.
Dropshipping worldwide. We are focusing on keeping a minimum waste and no unecessary transportation. Only producing what is being ordered and shipping it directly to the customer. No middle hands are necessary.
Our ATV needs less service and is equipped with a lithium battery. With an open source system you have more alternatives when it comes to changing spare parts and prolonging the lifespan of you vehicle. We focus on quality that can last longer.
JÄGAREN have a total power of 8kw and 2.000w on each wheel and a high torque with a peak of a whopping 540nm. Less weight enables less power consumption and therefor a wider range. Great alternative for ATV/ UTV and more.